Rights + Responsibilities

Your Rights

At KemeticHlth, we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible service. Every employee is responsible for safeguarding your rights as an individual we serve.

As a participant in KemeticHlth’s care coordination services and/or program, you have the right to:

  • Access information about KemeticHlth.
    • Programs and services we provide on behalf of your health plan.
    • Our staff qualifications.
  • Decline participation  in KemeticHlth services.
  • Be supported by KemeticHlth to connect with your designated health plan, program, and/or assigned care coordinator.
  • Be informed of all care coordination services available through KemeticHlth.
  • Have personally identifiable data and medical information kept confidential.
    • Know what entities have access to your information.
    • Know procedures used by KemeticHlth to ensure security, privacy, and confidentiality.
  • Be treated courteously and respectfully by KemeticHlth staff.
  • Be free from any form of restraint or seclusion used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation.
  • Exercise your rights with the assurance that the exercise of those rights will not adversely affect the way you are treated.
  • Communicate complaints to KemeticHlth and receive instruction on our process.
    • Including timeliness standards for responding to and resolving complaints or issues of quality.
  • Receive understandable information.


Your Responsibilities

To ensure you get the most out of KemeticHlth’s services, we ask that you be an active participant in the program so that we may best support you in achieving your health care goals.

Your responsibilities include:

  • Provide KemeticHlth with information necessary for delivery of services including change of address, phone number, injuries or illness.
  • Notifying KemeticHlth and your usual care provider if you disenroll from the program.